Jericho Read online

Page 14

  “It’s a simple pledge. I would ask that you never hide yourself from me.”

  “Well, you are a male of honor so I guess I can agree.”

  Jericho stared into green pools filled with wonder and laughter and wanted to dive in and lose himself forever. Silence drew out as he studied her until realizing what he was doing and getting back on track, he asked, "So piccola, now that you've escaped do you think she can force you back? That she'll win?"

  Abe didn't look away from him as a shiver of pure dread roamed her body, crawling up her back, creeping across her scalp. She took it as an omen that if she returned to stasis no one would ever see her again “If I can help it, it will never happen. Stasis is the most terrible place.”

  It drove a sword through his heart that Abe’s mother had been so cruel to her. Perhaps there were reasons, but none could ever carry enough weight to condone what was done to his female. Abe would never suffer another cruelty – that was something he would put a stop to. Hell, he needed to get the fuck on with what he had to say.

  “I give you my word as King of the Jinn I will never lie to you and you will remain under my protection.” Jericho opted not to add forever at this precise moment.

  Abe nodded at a loss for words for once. It was scary how he went all hard body and serious, deadly serious, in less than a second.

  “Tell me, myn lykyng, if there was a way to gain your permanent freedom from your mother, would you take it?

  “Hmmm. Tell me more oh great one.”

  A smile spread his lips, enhancing his good looks. “Have I told you how much I enjoy that you laugh in the face of adversity, tragedy even?”

  “No never,” Abe cut in, “but I’m all ears.” She lifted both brows. “Are you ever going to get to what you’re trying to say?” Her sweet smile was an attempt to soften the blow.

  Blinking rapidly, his brain snapped to attention and he spilled it. “You can gain your freedom from your mother if you agree to mate me. As King of the Jinn, I am free to choose my mate. As Noke said, your pedigree will not be up for question. Although, it will be looked into of course."

  "Oh. Is that what he meant?" Jericho was blatantly stating that as a princess he was free to marry her – she suspected his underlying message was that it really counted for him. That hurt as did the business type transaction he was offering her. It twisted her gut into knots. He wasn't saying it with any feeling or emotion – wasn't attempting to connect with her.

  "If you agree, you’d be under Jinn protection for all time. Unless your mother wants a war she’ll likely lose, there’s nothing she can do if you agree to be my mate.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Basically, yeah.” When her luminous green eyes grew distant, he felt flat footed, out of his league, sensing there was maybe a lot more going on than he had considered.

  “Am I such a bad choice?" He waited for her quick denial and it crushed him when she stayed silent, big eyes still distant – fuck, he could feel her withdrawing. "Abe, I’m an unsurpassed Jinn of the First Order and First Blood. My father was King and his before that. I’m formidable, Abe. Your Formidable Protector. If I choose a mate, nobody can stop me. It’s a royal thing.”

  "So what if I were a commoner instead of a princess? Is my title so important?"

  "Not at all." His black hair swished, tumbling over his broad shoulders. "Station doesn't have a lot of sway with me. My apologies if I gave you that impression."

  That made her feel better, but still her heart felt empty. Just empty. “This is part of Noke’s idea? His plan?”

  He nodded.

  “Why haven’t you mated before now?”

  “I had no intentions of mating.” He caught the droop of her lips, a harsh reminder of how delicate the whole fucking situation was top to bottom.

  D E L I C A T E.

  Another reminder tattoo?

  He started again. “In the Jinn world, we mate for companionship mostly. Our females rarely have children so when we mate its for other reasons. Uh, I’ve never agreed with it. As King… well shit, Abe. This is coming out all wrong. I’ve been fucking plagued with mother’s thrusting their daughters in my face for years. I’ve refused up to now because I didn’t want a mate just for the sake of having one.”

  “Jericho that’s sad. How can Jinn’s survive if they don’t have children? I intend on having a slew of them.” Abe shut up instantly.

  “A slew? How many children is that?”

  Really nervous, Abe playfully giggled. “I’m not answering.”

  A soft smile played over his handsome face. “I’ll find out. You know I will.”

  Abe shut down then. She always found her sense of humor bloomed when she was nervous or out of sorts, but now it was out of control. A playful Jericho asking her to mate him as if it were a business transaction was a frightening Jericho. “Thanks for your offer – it means a lot to me, but my answer is no. I’ll find another way.”

  Jericho opened his mouth, shut it, then clamped his lips together.



  What did that mean?

  Defensively, he crossed massive arms over his broad chest as his mind spun, grappling to understand what just happened. Completely blindsided, he watched her move to the door.

  Before opening it, Abe turned back to him. “Jericho, really I mean it, thank you for your kind offer, but like you, I don’t want a mate for the sake of having a mate. Even if it means my freedom. I’ll find another way.” The door closed quietly behind her.

  Kind offer?

  His mouth gaped open and his jaw slackened as it hit him. A muscle under his eye began to twitch.



  As in – No?

  One of the most powerful beings in the universe, able to call to hand an army of thousands to stand against her mother. A First Blood, born into the First Order and bred to be King – how could she refuse him?

  She never even suggested option B – think about it and then give him an answer later.

  Nah, just flat out fucking No!

  He couldn’t believe it.

  The only female to ever reject him and by fuck he didn't like it.

  Perhaps he misunderstood – but Abe’s resounding No echoed in his mind.

  As did the slew of children comment. How many was that? Abe was up to the task. Jericho chuckled, and then let it rip loud and long. His mood considerably lighter, he left his office.

  There wasn’t a shadow of doubt in Jericho’s mind. Abe was his and only his. Her mother could go fuck herself as far as he was concerned. He moved at the speed of light, entering the command centre, barking orders at Caleb to get info on anything about mating laws that applied to him.

  Exasperated, Noke looked at him, cloudy gray eyes sad. “Jericho. It ain’t gonna happen on a technicality. Thought you were clear on that.”

  For the second time that day, the big native hit the wall as Jericho leaned into him, massive arms caging him in place. “Noke, I’m fucking done with this shit. No more directives and no more fucking mommy dearest on my doorstep. You better be readin’ me, man. I’m outta patience here. Take this message back to Giaa- Don’t ever fuck with Abe. No one fucking tells me what to do. And, no one is ever gonna tell me what the fuck to do with my female.”

  “Here, here.” Reno clapped.

  Zulu whistled. Next to him, Conn smiled that knowing Scots smile of his as if it were ordained.

  Slowly, Jericho eased back. “Take my message to mommy dearest, Noke, word for word.”

  The big native remained silent, leaving the room, eager to be gone. He’d be back. For now, he dusted himself off and headed out to his vehicle. Indeed, Giaa had a real pisser on her hands. He chuckled softly, heading towards the land of the Hopi with no intention of relaying anything to Giaa. The less she knew the better it was in Noke’s world.

  A few hours later, Caleb whistled once over the house speakers, signaling the team to get to the command centre.

  Treigh sat slouched at the conference table, a big male his butt barely fit into the chair. What he shared with Caleb needed attention stat and the reason why he came to the compound seeking help.

  Jericho and Reno came in from the gym, soaked and half soaped from the showers they had ended abruptly upon hearing Cal's signal.

  "Treigh? Hell, it's good to see you." Jericho braced arms with the big male – half Jinn, half Demon – and noticed how dark his usually bright amber eyes were. "What's happenin'?"

  "Djinn. It's Tommy Toofer. Turned a couple of weeks back and he went underground to keep it secret, but now, he's on a killing rampage."

  "Where?" Jericho spit out. As King it was his responsibility to take down every Jinn that turned. Once turned, the male became Djinn with no honor left – a horrible creature, craving violence and full of evil.

  "’Bout fifty miles west of Bellsville. He's hunkered down in an old farmhouse, grabbed the family and taken them hostage."

  "What does he want?" Reno waited.

  "More bodies. Says he'll give up the family if he's provided with enough bodies to keep him satisfied."

  Reno simply snorted – As if.

  "Any chance the family is still alive?" Conn's bushy brows were one solid line.

  Treigh shrugged helplessly. "No telling. Djinn as we all know are out of fucking control."

  Jericho paced, his heart breaking. Tommy had been one of his best warriors until he was so badly wounded he could no longer function as part of the team. He had gone off on his own a few years back with a promise he would contact Jericho if he was in trouble.

  "Boss?" Reno waited for Jericho's orders.

  "Dress out and let's move soon. Treigh, you'll lead us to the location and ghost after we arrive."

  When Treigh didn't agree immediately the room went full on silent.

  "Treigh, I know how you feel cause I'm feeling it too, hell, we all are. Tommy was a good friend to many and a few of us worked real close with him. What you gotta understand is it's no longer Tommy."

  "I know," Treigh nodded, "but fuck! Why him? He's a good male. Was. Was a good male."

  In a low voice, Jericho said, "He doesn't remember any of us or his past. He got any new tats?"

  Big amber eyes dark, Treigh only nodded.

  Everyone knew that once a Jinn turned Djinn, their first act was to tattoo new symbols all over their bodies to protect from those who would hunt and kill them.

  "Your emotional connection to Tommy is why I need you to step away once we arrive. You’re too valuable a warrior to lose to a Djinn."

  "And you're not?" Treigh rose to his full height, shoulders braced, hands curled.

  Jericho huffed. "I'm not sayin' that, man."

  Treigh sighed, combing a hand through rich brown hair. "I hate this fucking shit."

  Reno quirked a brow. "Like we all don't?"

  "It's my fucking job, Treigh. Tommy's on my turf." Impatient now, Jericho accepted it was necessary to take the time to make Treigh understand, but he was worried about the family held hostage. "We gotta move. You ghost – agreed."

  "Yeah, on my word."

  Jericho began giving his team orders. Rad and Cal would stay behind along with the four additional warriors that had come to the compound a few weeks back. Reno, Zulu and Conn would go with him. "Grab your best spear, Zulu."

  Zulu disappeared so fast he was nothing but a flash.

  Jericho asked, “Cal, what we got to kill Djinn?"

  "Fuck boss, we got jack shit. But, we do have that special stunner – it doesn’t take 'em down, but it'll stall ‘em out. And then there's Mis – we can contain him with that until he's laid out flat-"

  Jericho waved his hand. "Conn, Reno make sure you're loaded with both." He shot upstairs – Rad right behind him – to give his four warriors orders, hoping for a glimpse of Abe, but nada. It was late, almost eleven p.m. – most likely the females were in bed along with Fifi and Elron. He was relieved they were asleep, unaware.

  Once outside, Jericho shot into the air and vapored, the others following diagonally, pumping on speed to catch up. A couple of miles from the compound over new growth forest, Jericho slammed to the ground so hard his shit-kickers were buried up to his ankles. Nose high, gobbing in air – he scented the odor of Djinn again.

  As soon as the others materialized around him, Jericho slashed a hand across his throat for silence and put his index finger to his nose.

  Treigh took a silent huff, then nodded, signaling with a closed fist the scent was Tommy's. Fuck, he had to stop calling him that. Tommy was gone.

  Everyone knew then that the family held hostage was likely dead if the Djinn was on the move.

  Again the scent came, a faint hint to the south. Twisting silently, Jericho waited, needing a clearer direction – find the path and trace it back – and when he did the short hairs all over his body lifted in panic.

  Only the compound was behind them. Abe, the others... Instantly turning to vapor, Jericho shot above the treeline, molecules flattening over the canopy as he surged forward covering the miles with super speed.

  Within half a mile of the compound, Jericho and the others vapored to night fog, transitioning in a blink to linger midway up tree trunks. Quickly they shifted to the outer ring of trees on the eastern side of the compound.

  Jericho couldn’t smell in this form, so he sank downwards, materializing as his body became flush with the underbrush. The scent of Djinn swarmed up his nose as his heart thundered and terror gripped him.

  In an instant he tapped his com-link. "Cal, copy."

  "Roger. What ya need?"

  "Djinn heading your way – secure compound – you've got seconds...." Static drowned out his terse orders to Cal who didn't respond and that never happened.

  His team formed around him, tapping their com-links, each shaking a head. Tersely Jericho said, "Treigh, stay low to the ground, I don’t want him back tracking on us. After that, I want you out of here. Ghost, man."

  The three other warriors and their King vapoured as Treigh rushed through the forest nothing but a blur.

  Jericho hit the front drive hard, dropping his three hundred plus pounds onto solid tarmac, deep cracks spreading around his shit-kickers. It blew all the dust out of his mind as he centred his power, focusing on one thing: Kill the fucker who dared go after what was his.

  Front door torn off its hinges was the first proof the Djinn was inside the house. The second was Bear roaring with rage. Jericho appeared in the front hall, his team tight around him.

  The Djinn had already taken out Rad – unconscious with his right arm torn from the shoulder – laying in a pool of blood. Brave Matty inched towards the downed warrior ready to kill anyone who got in her way – her small fist wrapped around the hilt of a big blade and a metal star in her other hand.

  Reno signalled Zulu to cover Matty and help Rad. The four warriors left to guard the compound were nowhere in sight. WTF?

  Jericho's heart exploded when Bear reared up on his hind legs, guarding Abe as the big Djinn, face and upper body black with new tattoos, gunned directly for her.

  Unaware anyone else was in the room, the Djinn focused on Abe and Bear, evil emanating off him in waves as Jericho moved in behind, smashing the back of his head with powerful fists and feet in motion, kicking his legs out from under him. The big Djinn went down, face planting the stone floor.

  Enraged, Bear roared and moved in with big claws raised as the Djinn swiftly rolled out of the way, springing to his feet – empty eyes blazing – a lopsided grin telling he was ready for a fight.

  Jericho didn't hesitate and went for the fucker, fists flying so fast they went unseen – knocking the big Djinn about – face, neck, heart, ribs, organs.

  Head swiveling, the Djinn was clueless as to how many were coming at him at once when Reno cast the Mis – a flick of his thumb and middle finger opened the yellow ampule, casting an invisible net, a ward of sorts, sending a powerful message to the Djinn– no ghosting allowed.

  Conn slid in beside Abe and hustled her back. The instant he touched her the Djinn roared, eyes honing on Abe, his smile slick and evil – seemingly no longer caring or aware of either Bear or Jericho.

  Fools! Black blades don’t reflect light – there is no tell. Bent low, the Djinn swung around, lashing out at Jericho and Bear with double knives slotted through the fingers of both massive fists. He felt the give of skin and a pulse of pleasure almost floored him as he sliced deeper – driving his blades into the fucker with flying fists. A twist of his powerful fist tore skin and damaged bone. The scent of fresh, flowing blood driving him to delirium – no longer aware of anything but the female.

  Abe grimaced, instinctively unleashing her power to encompass the Djinn. That he dared hurt Jericho or Bear drove her into a frenzy. His tattoos made with his own blood and ash reducing, shrinking, draining him as his skin pinched and puckered. She would drain the fucker dry if that’s what it took.

  Everything stopped – all motion ceased as if everyone froze in place.

  The Djinn took a step towards her – startled, he looked down at his chest, holding his arms out at his sides – frowning, confused, in pain – weakening. Empty eyes ablaze, he lifted his head, his evil smile slick with intent.

  Abe met him square on, continuing to unleash her power. As a safeguard, those close enough were often tripped into stasis – freeze frame time. Exactly what was happening right now. For Abe that was okay as blood didn’t flow during stasis which meant Jericho wasn’t bleeding to death. He was still safe. For the moment.

  Bear stayed frozen in place like everyone else, but he was immune to stasis.

  It was then the Djinn noted the complete silence and looked around, seeing impotent rage and hatred for what he had become on their faces – he fed off that shit now. Pools of fresh blood drove him into a heightened fever – the smell, the slickness of it running through his fingers, over him…

  Turning back to the female full of fresh unshed blood – the Djinn loved to see it splatter, needed it, craved it – a well of sorrow felled him – he never wanted this for himself. It didn’t last long as rage burned through him – so hot like the fires of hell. He glared at the female as his hands fisted into massive clubs ready to pound on her.